Kids Clubs
It runs 8am-6pm during school holidays, for children aged 2–11 years old from St. Gregory’s and other nearby schools.
The programme of activities and the atmosphere at Kids Club aims to encourage confidence, independence and enjoyment. We want to enable children to develop their emotional, social, cognitive, interpersonal and physical skills, and their desire to explore, discover and be creative.
The Club will provide an environment that offers children rich and stimulating experiences, alongside opportunities to explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for themselves. The programme of activities will recognise and take into account the differing ages, interests, backgrounds and abilities of children.
Activities are provided to allow children to build on their natural curiosity, advance their thinking, use their imagination and develop positive social relationships. At all times, Kids Club will recognise a child’s individuality.
Children will be involved in the planning process so that the programme reflects their opinion, and ensures that they feel ownership of their club. Such processes will be governed by the procedure set out in the Involving and Consulting Children Policy.
The play work principles underpin all work with children at Kids Club.